

Just Transition Framework

Just Transition Framework

Our Just Transition framework page includes a summary of the framework, diagrams, links to download the zine, and a collection of framework adaptations from around the world.

Propagate, Pollinate, Practice Curriculum Toolkit (2020)

Propagate, Pollinate, Practice Curriculum Toolkit (2020)

Propagate, Pollinate, Practice is a 74-page manual featuring some of MG’s most popular curriculum tools, guides, and strategy documents. For those who have not attended a Movement Generation training or retreat, we offer this curriculum as a way to get to know us and our politic better.

Ecological Justice: A Call To Action Training Manual (2009)

Ecological Justice: A Call To Action Training Manual (2009)

Our first curriculum manual, developed in 2009, in partnership with the Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action (PILA) and Asian Pacific Islander Youth Promoting Advocacy & Leadership (AYPAL). The goal of this manual was to expand strategic thinking and action around ecology within the racial, economic and environmental justice movements in the United States.


MG Webinar: Resisting Ecofascism | Resistiendo al ecofascismo

MG Webinar: Resisting Ecofascism | Resistiendo al ecofascismo

Ecofascism. It’s real, and it’s dangerous. It’s a term that describes how environmentalism is leveraged to justify fascist violence against marginalized peoples, including Black, Indigenous, people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ+ folks, disabled folks, poor folks, and...

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An Interview with Michelle Mascarenhas

An Interview with Michelle Mascarenhas

In 2021, after 14 years as a staff collective member at MG, Michelle Mascarenhas stepped into her new role as an MG board member and more recently into a position at the Sierra Club as National Campaigns Director. In this interview, Michelle leaves us gems of wisdom to ponder over as only a brilliant and bold movement strategist for these times can.

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Media & Productions

The North Pole

The North Pole

The North Pole is a political comedy web series that tackles the big issues of our time: Gentrification. Global Warming. And Gluten-Free Donuts.

Did We Go Too Far? Podcast

Did We Go Too Far? Podcast

Amidst extraordinarily uncertain times, many of us wonder: What futures are we moving toward? What realities are we creating?

2021 Creative Wildfire Collection

2021 Creative Wildfire Collection

In 2021,19 artists created 14 multi-disciplinary, multi-media projects to show the world what it means to resist a return to normal and build a Just Transition now.

Green Collar Comedy Series

Green Collar Comedy Series

Combining subversive humor and grassroots politics, the Green Collar Comedy Series is a series of short online videos that break through the dominant narratives on issues of race, class, and ecology.

Back in Tune Mixtape

Back in Tune Mixtape

Produced in 2013 by MG’s DJLN (Ellen Choy), the Back In Tune Mixtape is our rhythmical ode to organizers, educators, cultural workers, parents – all those working daily for ecological justice.